Consider any area of your present form as limitlessly spacious
You can consider the whole body. Just close your eyes and consider that the whole body is spreading, spreading, spreading, and then the boundaries are lost. It has become infinite. What will happen? You cannot even conceive of what will happen. If you can conceive that you have become the cosmos -- that is the meaning, the infinite -- all that is bound up with your ego will not be found there. Your name, your identity, all will be lost. Your poorness or richness, your health or your disease, your miseries -- all will be lost, because they are part of the finite body. With an infinite body they cannot exist.
ENTER SPACE, SUPPORTLESS, ETERNAL, STILL. That space has no beginning, no end. And that space is absolutely soundless. There is nothing -- not even a sound vibrating, not even a ripple. Everything is still. That point is just within you. Any moment you can enter it. If you have the courage to be supportless, this very moment you can enter it. The door is open. The invitation is for all, all and everyone. But courage is needed; courage to be alone, courage to be empty, courage to dissolve and melt, courage to die. And if you can die within to your inner space, you will attain to the life which never dies, you will attain to AMRIT, to immortality.
Sweet-hearted one, meditate on knowing and not-knowing, existing and not-existing. Then leave both aside that you may be
Clinging is the problem, because if you cling you cannot be empty. Don't cling -- this is the message of this technique. Just don't cling to anything positive or negative because with non-clinging you will find yourself. You are there but because of the clinging, you are hidden. With non-clinging you will be exposed, you will be uncovered. You will explode.
Gracious one, play. The universe is an empty shell wherein your mind frolics infinitely.
If you are playful in life then you can be playful inside with the mind also. Then be as if you are watching something on a TV screen: you are not involved, you are just a spectator, an onlooker. Look, and enjoy it. Don't say good, don't say bad, don't condemn, don't appreciate, because these are serious things.
Suppose your passive form to be an empty room with walls of skin -- empty
SUPPOSE YOUR PASSIVE FORM TO BE AN EMPTY ROOM WITH WALLS OF SKIN... but inside, everything empty. This is one of the most beautiful techniques. Just sit in a meditative posture, relaxed, alone, your backbone straight and the whole body relaxed -- as if the whole body is hanging on the backbone. Then close your eyes. For a few moments go on feeling relaxed, more relaxed, becoming calmer and calmer and calmer. Do this for a few moments, just to be in tune.
This Consciousness Is The Spirit Of Guidance Of Each One. Be This One
THIS CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE SPIRIT OF GUIDANCE OF EACH ONE. BE THIS ONE. Lose the head and drop into this inner guide. It is there. Old scriptures say that the master or the guru -- the 'outer' guru -- can be helpful only in finding the inner guru. That is all. Once the outer guru has helped you to find the inner guru, the function of the outer guru is no more.
This Consciousness Exists As Each Being, And Nothing Else Exists
So there are methods by which the seeker goes on eliminating. He goes on eliminating -- first the body, then the mind, and then he comes to the point where nothing can be eliminated. In the Upanishads they say, NETI, NETI. This is a deep method: 'This is not, that is not.' So the seeker goes on knowing, 'This is not, this is not me, this is not I.' He goes on and on until ultimately he comes to a point where he cannot say, 'This is not I.' Just a witnessing self remains. Pure consciousness remains. This pure consciousness exists as each being.
Feel the consciousness of each person as your own consciousness. So, leaving aside concern for self, become each being
FEEL THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF EACH PERSON AS YOUR OWN CONSCIOUSNESS. In reality it is so, but it is not felt so. You feel your consciousness as yours, and others' consciousnesses you never feel. At the most you infer that others are also conscious. You infer because you think that because you are conscious, other beings like you must be conscious. This is a logical inference; you don't feel them as conscious. It is just like when you have a headache you feel your headache, you have a consciousness of it. But if someone else has a headache, you infer -- you cannot feel the other's headache. You simply infer that whatsoever he is saying must be true and he must have something like you. But you cannot feel it.
In truth forms are inseparate. Inseparate are omnipresent being and your own form. Realize each as made of this consciousness.
In truth forms are inseparate. They appear separate, but every form is joined together with other forms. Our reality is a co-existence. It is really an inter-reality, an inter-subjectivity. For example, think of yourself alone on this earth. What will you be? The whole of humanity has disappeared, you are left alone after a third world war, alone in the world, alone on this big earth. Who will you be?
O shakti, each particular perception is limited, disappearing in omnipotence
We go on dividing. Life, existence, is not divided. All demarcations are man-made. They are useful, if you don't go mad about them, and if you know that they are just artificial, man-made, utilitarian, not real, not true, that they are just myths, that they help but they don't go any deeper.